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Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil EditionBlizzard EntertainmentYes耻辱2Dishonored 2Bethesda SoftworksYes耻辱:界外魔之死

He whose black gown was wet with tears, the host.65.《大林寺桃花》(白居易)人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开.长恨春归无觅处,

H e w h o s e b l a c k g o w n w a s w e t w i t h t e a r s , t h e h o s t . 6 5 . 《 da lin si tao hua 》 ( bai ju yi ) ren jian si yue fang fei jin , shan si tao hua shi sheng kai . chang hen chun gui wu mi chu , . . .

hard for souls to ride;To mountains none of souls in dream can fly.I long for thee but then my heart doth cry.31.《长相思》(其二)(唐·

Then to my black-eyed maid I haste away;When evening sits beneath her dusky bower,And gently sighs away the silent hour,The village

Black Beauty、猎人笔记 A Sportsmens Sketches、哈克贝利•费恩历险记 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn、小鹿斑比 Bambi、汤姆•